Sunday, July 21, 2013


In my last Blog REVERENT, I referenced the Boy Scout Handbook, specifically the section that says "He respects the beliefs of others."

Recently the Boy Scouts of America made a controversial decision allowing membership to teens who are openly homosexual.  The reaction has been pretty much what you would expect.

Yes, Scouting as started by Lord Baden Powell was admittedly a Christian boys organization but it quickly evolved into an organization that is accepting of people of all beliefs.  Religious belief being important, but a specific belief system was not required.  I've known Buddhists, Muslims, Agnostics, Cultists, etc, etc, etc, - all of whom were accepted or were quiet about their "faith."  Even Scout "chapel" services are what they call "non-sectarian" - meaning a vague gathering not specific to any faith. Therefore, people's opposition to this recent change based purely on an assumed "Christian" basis for Scouting is in error.

(I should note- I spent a great deal of time with many other Boy Scouts drinking heavily, at the age of 14, 15, 16.  Not sure where that fits within the Christian moral code of Scouting.)

Many Christians love to quote the Apostle Paul regarding homosexuality not fitting into Scouting's "morality."  But I love how we (Christians) pounce on certain verses and conveniently ignore or re-interpret others that don't fit within our social construct. 

For instance, 1st Corinthians 5: 12-13 which states "It isn't my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. 13 God will judge those on the outside..."

(Clearly The Westboro Baptist Church has NEVER read this verse)

I have no problem with openly gay teens experiencing all that scouting has to offer - so long as people are accepted, but Scouting itself is not changed. That is my opinion. I stand by it.  Obviously some Boy Scout troops are sponsored by churches, and those individual churches will have to make some hard decisions about who is and isn't allowed, or if those churches will end their affiliation with Scouting.  But that is a local issue for those churches. Some Scout troops are not connected with churches and some are sponsored by churches who are accepting of gays, even ordaining and marrying them as adults.  The decision as to how to respond to this change is a local one for each troop and its sponsor to face.

Already some have begun planning an "alternative" to the Boy Scouts where homosexuals are excluded (and probably anyone else with differing life views).  Lord Baden Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts, said that religious belief helps scouts bring about the Kingdom of God to others.  Nothing helps "share the Kingdom of God" like exclusion! (sarcasm intentional).  Once again people are being shunned rather than loved - in the name of Jesus. It grieves me. 

Have you ever noticed how the privileged, or groups of Caucasians have left public schools and fled to private schools, some leaving due to racial diversity.  What is the result?  The original public school system plunges into failure.  I believe this is what will take place if an alternative to the Boy Scouts of America is created. The organization so loved and revered will be abandoned until it is nothing more than a shadow of its once great history and becoming a forgotten disgrace - its legacy destroyed.  I would hate to see this happen.

Realistically it isn't likely that a mass influx of homosexual teens will suddenly join the Boy Scouts, an evolution which many fear for some reason. What WILL happen is those who have hidden who they are, will be allowed now to be themselves - an end to the lying they are forced into if they desire to experience the life-changing opportunities the Boy Scouts offer.  Also, it will bring an end to the taunting and bullying that some Boy Scouts have reigned down upon those they know or suspect are gay.

I'm sure there are both Boy Scouts and Christians who will disagree with me and I'm open to discussing it.  Comment as you will, I won't be offended.


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