Wednesday, July 17, 2013


A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and REVERENT.

From the Scout Handbook - "A scout is Reverent.  A Scout is reverent toward God.  He is faithful in his religious duties.  He respects the beliefs of others."

Describing Reverent, the Boy Scouts of America state:
"While in the wilds, a scout may come face-to-face with God.  He may feel God around him in the wind, the water, the earth, and the open, wild beauty.  When the scout returns home, he needs to continue that respect and awe towards God by participating in the practices of his religion.  Becoming a complete citizen includes fulfilling expectations of the church to which a person belongs."

I find it curiously intriguing that God should employ nature to reveal himself and HIS nature, a revelation that man himself seems to struggle to illustrate at times.  Those of us who are/were Boy Scouts are taught to show reverence to God, a deep respect for Him, combined with a sense of wonder and awe both with Him and with the wondrous beauty He has created.

Romans 1:20 tells us, "For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."

For more than two hours I stood in what's called Valley View, a great photo spot in Yosemite National Park, patiently waiting on the perfect lighting for my dream photo to emerge.  No, the lighting never did what I wanted.  But there, in God's wondrous nature, being still, quiet and open - I heard God.  He asked me about my life, my dreams, my needs and was I happy.  For thirty minutes or more I basked in the presence of God simply sensing His love and Desires for me.  It was a life-changing moment that has affected almost every decision since. 

From that Yosemite moment, I have left what was surely killing me, ministry that turned into a difficult job, relocating to a place that God allowed me to dream about for twenty years.  He set me free, to be in a reverent place, a place where his creation cries out in testimony to His artwork.  Reverence breeds more reverence.  Strange how that works.


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