On facebook the other day I linked to someone’s post on “apologizing.” It stated…
“Apologizing does not always mean that you’re wrong or the other person is right. It just means that you value the relationship
........more than your ego.”
I’ve been contemplating apologies ever since. I don’t mean the fake apologies such as “I’m sooooooo sorry, but you’re a jerk.” Nor do I mean those politically safe apologies like “I’m sorry if you misunderstood what I said”, which actually means, “I didn’t do anything wrong and you’re stupid for disagreeing with me.”
I started wondering if Jesus ever apologized for his actions. We know that sin isn’t so much about our actions but about the attitude and thoughts we have; the thoughts that lead to or follow and action. We understand and believe that Jesus never sinned. So, it's easy to say "no, he never apologized because he never sinned." He had no sin (thoughts or attitudes) for which to apologize. Easy answer, right?
But I wonder - did Jesus ever unintentionally hurt someone? Did he ever unintentionally say the wrong thing at the wrong moment? Did he ever laugh at a funeral? While running through the streets did he ever knock down an old lady carrying a llama? Did he ever accidentally fart in church? Did he ever unintentionally break someone's heart?
I wonder - did Jesus ever look someone in the eye, someone he loved, and say...
“What I did was stupid. I’m so very sorry. Please forgive me.”
Beautiful question & thoughts 🙏🏾