Self-Awareness Is Fun
20 Things I’ve learned about myself over the last year:
- I’m still “in process” in my story with Jesus. I'm not there. I've never been there. And will never get there in this life. I shouldn't judge people who are also in process, whose journey looks different than mine. Chantal reminds me of that.
- I don’t like lace-up casual shoes. They're either too tight, or not tight enough.
- In Nola, long hair is hot during the summer.
- I need an hour in the morning, just to wake up, connect with God and enjoy life (rather than jumping out of bed, taking a quick shower and going straight to work).
- I really love my wife.
- I should work on “Wipeout” designing their obstacle courses. Years of Youth Ministry qualify me for such a role.
- I need people around me who want to know me, genuinely care about me, listen to me,and love me unconditionally.
- I need people to be around who will let ME know THEM; people who will let me genuinely care about them; people who aren't afraid to let me listen to them; and people who can allow themselves to accept my unconditional love.
- I really should eat breakfast. Coffee is not bacon.
- It’s profoundly arrogant when I think I’m indispensable and God can’t do things without me, as if he can’t easily replace me at any moment with a tree stump.
- I don't really care if stars can dance. Now if they can rebuild a concrete sidewalk, then I'll pay attention.
- I have not honestly endeavored to really take time to enjoy life in over 20 years. I am not what I do. That stops now.
- I don’t like to be misunderstood, or have my motives assumed.
- I absolutely HATE taping, mudding and sanding drywall. Next time, I'll gladly pay someone to do it. Or trade bacon for their work.
- I can tend to look at how people might fail or disappoint me, rather than see their gifts, hurts and potential; see them as God sees them. I hate that about me.
- I don’t grieve well, if at all.
- I have one of the best friends a person could ever hope to have.
- I really do enjoy shooting guns, even on days when I can’t hit the side of Mexico.
- Knowing what Shalom means, and actually living Shalom, are two vastly different things. I have known ABOUT Shalom; could teach ABOUT Shalom, but haven't LIVED Shalom. That is my goal now. It's like air conditioning in August.
- I really love my wife. Did I say that already?
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